Start date for FastCat run thrus will be posted on our Facebook page when available. Please check the FDLCKC Facebook page for updates.
Held at the FDLCKC Club Grounds N5480 DeNeveu Lane, FdL. Outdoors
Runs will be held on the West end of the club property. First come first serve, no need to sign up ahead of time. We recommend you bring a holder for your dog!! We can't guarantee we will have enough helpers to hold dogs.
Held at the FDLCKC Club Grounds N5480 DeNeveu Lane, FdL. Outdoors
Always check with the contact person before heading out to the club grounds if you have weather concerns. Contact person: Bev Martens before 4:00 p.m. Tuesdays.
Run Thurs are held May through mid October. Cost $3:00 members and $5:00 non- members. See the flyer attached below.
To learn more about getting started in AKC Obedience , Agility, Scent Work, Conformation or Rally go to
Files coming soon.